InfoLnkX Chips – Online Store


Programming InfoLnkX chips requires a mobile phone with the ability to write to NFC chips. Please check your phone specs before ordering. Generally, Android phones after 2015 and iPhone 8 or later are enabled. Downloading an app to write NFC chips is also required. There are a variety of apps available. The recommended app is NFC Tools.


Please mark in the notes section of the checkout if you want your chips pre-programmed and with the URL that you would like programmed onto the chips. 


Updated Pricing as of 11/10/2020

In order to make this more competitive and ultimately more profitable for you, the Home Office is reducing the cost of all tags (metal and non-metal) to $0.50 per tag PLUS $7.00 per order for shipping from the home office. There is no minimum or maximum number of tags you need order at one time.



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